Enrolled apprentices and registered IBEW members can do the following items (to name a few) from logging in:

  • Change Contact Information
  • View Class Schedule
  • Sign-Up for Classes (up to one week prior to the beginning of the class)
  • Apprentice Time Card
Please remember the following information must be current at the JATC to log-in:
  • Email Address
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Member ID (a.k.a. IBEW Card #)
  • Phone Number
  • Classification

IBEW members can register and sign-up for classes at the JATC office on Mondays – Fridays (expect for holidays) from 7:30am to 4:15pm.

– Class Evaluation Form          Blended Learning Log-in

Are you ready to start an exciting new career as an electrician?  


The Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for Southern Nevada (Electrical JATC) has been training skilled apprentice electricians since 1947 and is in partnership with the Southern Nevada Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local #357 (IBEW), the Electrical Training Alliance (ETA), the Nevada State Apprenticeship Council (NSAC) and the United States Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship (OA).

The goal of the Electrical JATC is to give our students a well-rounded electrical education so that they can “hit the ground running” when they graduate as Journeymen-Wiremen. To accomplish this goal, we provide our apprentices with 900 hours of classroom training and over 8000 hours of on the job training over a five year period. All electrical apprentices receive incremental raises as they reach certain set milestones. They also receive retirement plans and medical coverage for themselves and their families. Upon completion of our apprenticeship program the apprentice receives certificates through ETA, NSAC and OA documenting their successful completion of the program.

The Electrical JATC is also committed to developing and providing courses of study for IBEW members to train the most qualified electricians in the ever evolving electrical industry. It will also help ensure that Nevada will have the workforce available to deal with the large infrastructure improvements needed throughout the state.

Doug Ziegenhagen
Training Director
Electrical JATC for Southern Nevada


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